推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)

















我们不妨假设输入信息为a,其关联权重为推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上),通过节点后,输入信息变为

推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)


(3)偏置 —— 除了权重之外,输入还有另一个线性分量,被称为偏置。输入信息乘上权重后再加上偏置,用来改变权重乘输入的范围。加上偏置之后,结果就变为

推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上),这就是输入信息变换的最终线性分量。



激活函数将输入信号翻译成输出信号。激活函数产生的输出信息为推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上),其中f(x)就是激活函数。


在下面的图表中,我们可以看到,输入信息数量为n,表示为推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上),相应的权重为推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)。将偏置设为推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)。权重乘以输入信息,再加偏置,我们设所得的值为u:



将u带入激活函数中,最后我们就可以得到从神经元输出的推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)



最常用的激活函数有Sigmoid、ReLU 和softmax。


  • Sigmoid——Sigmoid是最常用的激活函数之一。 它的定义为:

推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)

Sigmoid函数会生成0到1之间的更平滑的取值范围。我们可能需要观察输出值的变化,同时输入值也会略有变化。而平滑的曲线更方便我们观察,因此它优于阶梯函数(step functions)。


  • ReLU(线性修正单位)——不同于sigmoid函数,现在的网络更倾向于使用隐层ReLu激活函数。该函数的定义是:

推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)

当X> 0时,函数的输出为X,X <= 0时为0。该函数如下所示:




  • Softmax——Softmax激活函数常用于输出层的分类问题。 它与sigmoid函数类似,唯一的区别是在Softmax激活函数中,输出被归一化,总和变为1。





(5)神经网络 ——神经网络是深度学习的主干之一。神经网络的目标是找到未知函数的一个近似值。它由相互联系的神经元组成。



对神经网络的定义中,以Liping Yang的最为贴切:





25 Must Know Terms & concepts forBeginners in Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence, deep learning,machine learning — whatever you’re doing if you don’t understand it — learn it.Because otherwise you’re going to be a dinosaur within 3 years.

 ——Mark Cuban

This statement from Mark Cuban might sounddrastic – but its message is spot on! We are in middle of a revolution – arevolution caused by Big Huge data and a ton of computational power.


For a minute, think how a person would feelin early 20th century if he / she did not understand electricity. 

You wouldhave been used to doing things in a particular manner for ages and all of asudden things around you started changing. 

Things which required many peoplecan now be done with one person and electricity. We are going through a similarjourney with machine learning & deep learning today.


So, if you haven’t explored or understoodthe power of deep learning – you should start it today. I have written thisarticle to help you understand common terms used in deep learning.


Who should read this article?


If you are some one who wants to learn orunderstand deep learning, this article is meant for you. In this article, Iwill explain various terms used commonly in deep learning.


If you are wondering why I am writing thisarticle – I am writing it because I want you to start your deep learningjourney without hassle or without getting intimidated.

 When I first beganreading about deep learning, there were several terms I had heard about, but itwas intimidating when I tried to understand them. There are several words whichare recurring when we start reading about any deep learning application.


In this article, I have created somethinglike a deep learning dictionary for you which you can refer whenever you needthe basic definition of the most common terms used. I hope after this articlethese terms wouldn’t haunt you anymore.


Terms related to topics:


To help you understand various terms, Ihave broken them in 3 different groups. If you are looking for a specific term,you can skip to that section. If you are new to the domain, I would recommendthat you go through them in the order I have written them.


  • Basics of Neural Networks

  • Common Activation Functions

  • Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Recurrent Neural Networks


Basics of Neural Networks


(1) Neuron– Just like a neuron forms thebasic element of our brain, a neuron forms the basic structure of a neuralnetwork. Just think of what we do when we get new information. 

When we get theinformation, we process it and then we generate an output. Similarly, in caseof a neural network, a neuron receives an input, processes it and generates anoutput which is either sent to other neurons for further processing or it isthe final output.

(2) Weights – When input enters the neuron,it is multiplied by a weight. For example, if a neuron has two inputs, theneach input will have has an associated weight assigned to it. We initialize theweights randomly and these weights are updated during the model trainingprocess. 

The neural network after training assigns a higher weight to the inputit considers more important as compared to the ones which are considered lessimportant. A weight of zero denotes that the particular feature isinsignificant.


Let’s assume the input to be a, and theweight associated to be 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上). Then after passing through the node the inputbecomes 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)

(3) Bias – In addition to the weights,another linear component is applied to the input, called as the bias. It isadded to the result of weight multiplication to the input. 

The bias isbasically added to change the range of the weight multiplied input. Afteradding the bias, the result would look like 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上). This is the final linearcomponent of the input transformation.


(4) Activation Function – Once the linearcomponent is applied to the input, a non-linear function is applied to it. Thisis done by applying the activation function to the linear combination.

Theactivation function translates the input signals to output signals. The outputafter application of the activation function would look something like 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)where f() is the activation function.


In the below diagram we have “n” inputsgiven as 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上) to 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上), and corresponding weights 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上) to 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上). We have a bias given as 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上).

The weights are first multiplied to its corresponding input and are thenadded together along with the bias. Let this be called as u.




The activation function is applied to ui.e. f(u) and we receive the final output from the neuron as 推荐 :深度学习初学者不可不知的25个术语和概念(上)

Commonly applied Activation Functions


The most commonly applied activationfunctions are – Sigmoid, ReLU and softmax


(a) Sigmoid – One of the most commonactivation functions used is Sigmoid. It is defined as:

The sigmoid transformation generates a moresmooth range of values between 0 and 1. 

We might need to observe the changes inthe output with slight changes in the input values. Smooth curves allow us todo that and are hence preferred over step functions.


(b) ReLU(Rectified Linear Units) – Insteadof sigmoids, the recent networks prefer using ReLu activation functions for thehidden layers. The function is defined as:

The output of the function is X when X>0and 0 for X<=0. The function looks like this:

The major benefit of using ReLU is that ithas a constant derivative value for all inputs greater than 0. The constantderivative value helps the network to train faster.


(c) Softmax – Softmax activation functionsare normally used in the output layer for classification problems. It issimilar to the sigmoid function, with the only difference being that theoutputs are normalized to sum up to 1. 

The sigmoid function would work in casewe have a binary output, however in case we have a multiclass classificationproblem, softmax makes it really easy to assign values to each class which canbe easily interpreted as probabilities.


It’s very easy to see it this way – Supposeyou’re trying to identify a 6 which might also look a bit like 8. 

The functionwould assign values to each number as below. We can easily see that the highestprobability is assigned to 6, with the next highest assigned to 8 and so on…

(5) Neural Network – Neural Networks formthe backbone of deep learning.The goal of a neural network is to find anapproximation of an unknown function. 

It is formed by interconnected neurons.These neurons have weights, and bias which is updated during the networktraining depending upon the error. 

The activation function puts a nonlineartransformation to the linear combination which then generates the output. Thecombinations of the activated neurons give the output.


A neural network is best defined by “LipingYang” as –


“Neural networks are made up of numerous interconnectedconceptualized artificial neurons, which pass data between themselves, andwhich have associated weights which are tuned based upon the network’s“experience.” 

Neurons have activation thresholds which, if met by a combinationof their associated weights and data passed to them, are fired; combinations offired neurons result in “learning”.



2021-12-11 11:36:11



2021-12-19 17:36:11

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