Tails 3.4 已发布,该版本修复了许多安全问题,建议用户尽快升级。Tails(The Amnesic Incognito Live System) 是基于 Debian 的自启动光盘或 USB 发行,其目标是为用户提供完整的因特网匿名功能。
Update Linux to 4.14.12 which fixes Meltdown, Spectre (only partially) and many other issues. (#14976)
Fix an issue that made Tails start very slowly, in particular on DVD. (#14964)
Don't delete downloaded Debian packages after installing them. This is mostly relevant for users of the APT Packages persistence feature. (#10958)
Fix an issue that prevented some Debian packages to install properly with the Additional software feature. (#6038)
Update uBlock Origin to restore its icon in Tor Browser, and make its settings dashboard work again. (#14993)