Lettuce 4.2.0 正式发布了,Lettuce是一个可伸缩线程安全的Redis客户端。多个线程可以共享同一个RedisConnection。它利用优秀netty NIO框架来高效地管理多个连接。
Cluster pub/sub and resilient subscriptions #138 (Thanks to @jpennell)
Reactive API: Emit items during command processing #178
Allow configuration of max redirect count for cluster connections #191
Improve SCAN API #208
Support Redis Cluster with SSL #209
Improve CommandHandler locking #211
Improve command encoding of singular commands and command batches #212 (Thanks to @cwolfinger)
Add log statement for resolved address #218 (Thanks to @mzapletal)
Apply configured password/database number in MasterSlave connection #220
Improve command draining in flushCommands #228 (Thanks to @CodingFabian)
Support dynamic master/slave connections #233
Expose DNS Resolver #236
Make latencyutils and commons-pool2 dependencies optional #237
Support adaptive cluster topology refreshing and static refresh sources #240 (Thanks to @RahulBabbar)
Add static builder() methods to builders enhancement #248
Add factory for reconnection delay enhancement #250
Add integer cache for CommandArgs enhancement #251