SCMS 是一个安全内容管理系统的基础引擎,基于角色的面向对象设计,兼容 XHTML 1.0、Strict I/0 验证;定制 session 实现,支持基于 SSL 的 cookie 等,具备很强的安全特性,采用 PHP + MySQL 5 开发。
1. A major redesign of the SCMS directory structure.
2. New pagesController instead of menu, login, index, captcha, and logout controllers.
3. An SSL requirement per controller method (as opposed to per controller).
4. Improved debug mode logging (a new debugLog configuration directive).
5. SITEROOT has been substituted for DOCROOT, and IncludePath removed (SCMS must now be installed in the document root of the domain)