Djigzo是一个用来对传入的邮件进行解密以及传出的邮件进行加密的邮件服务器(MTA)。Djigzo作为一般的SMTP邮件服务器,它可以与任何现 有电子邮件基础设施一起使用,轻松地放在现有的电子邮件服务器之前或之后。 Djigzo通常安装为“存储和转发”服务器。电邮因此只能暂时储存到它转交给它的最终目的地。 Djigzo目前支持两种加密标准:的S/MIME和PDF加密。
Changes: Subdomain matching can now be set on the MTA configuration page. PFX passwords can be stored in the user preferences. SMTP client authentication can now be done. Support for IE8… was added. Debian 5 (Lenny) is now supported. Multipart/alternative calendar items are now detected. When SELinux was enabled and postfix was restarted by Djigzo, postfix no longer sometimes stops working. Upgrading with the RPM package now works correctly. The owner and file mode of the SSL certificate are no longer reset when upgrading the Debian packages